Do Khan Academy Videos Promote “Meaningful Learning”? by Kate Rix (Based on Derek Muller's PhD.
What it is proved in this research is NOT that science videos do not help students. What it is proved is that to teach science effectively we need to use students' previous knowledge and misconceptions!
Well, this is also valid for many other subjects... and also valid for classroom lessons!
By the way, one misconception about using videos in education is that Mr Khan is the one who introduced the idea. Is it??
Some of the earliest work in this field was done by Eric Mazur at Harvard, who developed Peer Instruction in the 1990s. Salman Khan did not publish his till 2004*, and by then, many of us had published. It is true, though, that with his great communication/marketing skills Salman Khan has managed to be the number 1 in audience. He is advertised everywhere: his name in the article's blog and video! Why? Famous people become more famous....because they are famous.....
Hopefully soon traffic will get out of this filter bubble**.
Hopefully soon traffic will get out of this filter bubble**.
**For a little bit of help to get out of this filter bubble visit:
Nice post and good reminder that this concept is much older than we remember