Sunday, April 7, 2013




Wiki International School  (WIS) is a new school operating in Akucha, in Trikitistan (Asia)
Dr Tienitov is the school principal and she is planning to get a DREAM TEAM.

JobPaki Inc. is an employment agency in Mirakapur, in Tikbuttu (Africa). Mr Jotajude is an agent with a mission: help Dr Tenitov succeed.

Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who understand what they don’t manage;
and those who manage what they don’t understand.

Putt’s Law

For more information on IT personnel positions check this post.


  1. I love GoAnimate! An excellent idea presenting your info using an animation! I loved the super hero analogy!

  2. This is a creative way to share out this task, I like how you have taken many of the key important factors and components that are important to a successful IT Department and infused the idea of the fictious school and Principal. Even through the humour and characters you both have highlighted the components and attributes that support the type of people that can support and facilitate an effective IT team. The presentation demonstrates you respective understanding of the skills, behaviors, and understandings which combined together highlight important aspects of these roles. It is actually simple, clear and to the point, and in this is effective in highlighting many of the concepts and ideas shared and engaged with in the course.

    Well done.
    Kind regards
